House von Sprecher (Brügger House) / Sprecherhaus

1594 Colonel Andreas Brügger, from 1871/72 family von Sprecher

The rear side of the house encloses the Städliplatz with its obtuse wings, originally with arcades facing the square. The house front faces SE with a front garden in the filled-up moat. Sundial from 1721. Epoch-spanning furnishings of the highest artistic quality and craftsmanship. It used to be the residence of the Chief of General Staff (highest ranking officer of the Swiss Army) Theophil Sprecher von Bernegg (1850-1927).


Local weather

few clouds



  • Sunrise: 07:57
  • Sunset: 16:32
  • Max: 3°C
  • Min: 3°C
  • Humidity: 60 %
  • Pressure: 1019 hPa
  • Wind: 1 km/h
  • Wednesday
    • 4°C
    • -1°C
  • Thursday
    • 7°C
    • -1°C
  • Friday
    • 7°C
    • 0°C

House von Sprecher (Brügger House) / Sprecherhaus