Cigar Lunch

Enjoy an exclusive selection of high quality cigars in combination with Mediterranean cuisine. At the monthly cigar lunch, gourmets and connoisseurs will benefit from a great offer.

Every third Thursday of the month the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is organizing a cigar lunch in cooperation with Salon Davidoff and the Urs Portmann Tobacco AG. This event is starting with an aperitif at the Salon Davidoff, followed by a Mediterranean 2-course menu at the restaurant Olives d’Or. After the lunch all participants are going to enjoy a cigar together at the Salon Davidoff – selected from our high qualitiy offer or just the connoisseur cigar brought from home.


Wetter vor Ort

Mäßig bewölkt



  • Sonnenaufgang: 07:57
  • Sonnenuntergang: 16:32
  • Max: 5°C
  • Min: 4°C
  • Feuchtigkeit: 60 %
  • Luftdruck: 1019 hPa
  • Wind: 2 km/h
  • Mittwoch
    • 4°C
    • -1°C
  • Donnerstag
    • 7°C
    • -0°C
  • Freitag
    • 6°C
    • 0°C

Cigar Lunch